Resources for CNS Candidates

Be sure to check out resources for CNS candidates below, then schedule your info session to see how you can get YOUR CNS

Confused about what counts for hours?

Creative Ways to Earn CNS Hours

CNS Test Prep: How to Study Topics You Didn’t Learn in School

Get our free mini course that helps you strategize your approach to studying the topics you likely didn’t get in school. We’ll review Genomics, Herbs and Botanicals, and Food Safety as well as give you a general guide to studying for the exam.

What I Wish I’d Known

Study Tips If You’re Still in School

If you want THE BEST way to efficiently keep notes for when you actually practice clinical nutrition, download our guide now (there is a video explainer link inside the spreadsheet).

Check out the intro video to the GI education module with CNS Supervisor Meg Bowman:

Sneak Peek into Signature Supervision

We welcome CNS candidates who want to specialize in a particular area of nutrition, and those who intend to work as a generalist. Clinician’s Incubator supervisors specialize in:

Meet Your CNS Supervisors


Are You Ready To Do The Dang Thing?

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